Toko Bunga 24 Jam
Toko Bunga 24 Jam

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Divorce Advice from Divorce Lawyer in Jakarta, Indonesia

In Indonesia, every divorce lawyer will have to refer to the 1974 Marriage Law and its implementing rules for divorce and  marital dissolution. A divorce petition must be filed at the local district court for Non-Moslems, and local Religious Court for Moslems. There are certain marital dissolution reasons according to 1974 Marriage Law and Islamic Law, they are:

Marriage Law
Pursuant to Marriage Law, a marriage may be terminated due to several reasons as follows :

  1. Death of either party
  2. Divorce
  3. Upon court’s decision
The death to either party will automatically terminate the marriage.


One of the means to dissolve a marriage is by divorce. Divorce may only be executed before a court session, before the district court for Non-Moslems and before the religious court for Moslems. Therefore, either one of the parties wanting to divorce needs to file a divorce petition to the court.

There are  legal grounds of filing for divorce that every divorce lawyer has to advise his/her clients with, and they have been regulated in the Marriage Law, which are, in the event one of the parties :
  1. has committed adultery, is an alcoholic, is addicted to drugs, is a gambler or exhibits other vices which are difficult to cure.
  2. has left the other spouse for two consecutive years, without consent and without legitimate reasons or the absence of reasons beyond his control.
  3. has been sentenced to imprisonment for five (5) consecutive years or a longer period.
  4. has resorted to cruelty or severe ill treatment, endangering the life of the other spouse.
  5. has developed a disability or disease, preventing from fulfilling the duties of husband or wife or
  6. has irreconcilable differences.

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