Toko Bunga 24 Jam
Toko Bunga 24 Jam

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Legal Separation for Divorce in Indonesia

Legal separation can be the basis for getting your divorce in Indonesia. When you’ve been living separately from your spouse for more than four (4) years, even though you never had a fight, it is the symptom of having disagreement in your marriage. Therefore, it can be used to dissolve your marriage. This is applicable for both Indonesians, mixed-marriage couples, and foreigners. In another words, it is applicable to those who submit themselves voluntarily to the Indonesian legal system.

The idea behind this issue was the Indonesian Supreme Court’s verdict in the year 2000. It became a precedence and may be used by the lower courts to try similar cases. The precedence was verdict number 1354/K/PDT/2000. The legal doctrine retrieved from this verdict is: “A husband and wife who have separate residence for 4 (four) years and not caring each other is the fact that there is turnmoil and strife and no hope to live in harmony in the household. This can be a reason to grant a divorce application.”

Furthermore, the precedence and its applicable situation may be best applicable with Irreconcilable Differences as one of the legal grounds to dissolve a marriage as set-out by the Marriage Law. Some people see irreconcilable differences in the form of quarells, oral disputes, or continuing disagreement that may be seen in public. This Precedence allows you to dissolve your marriage even none of your witnesses saw you had a fight.

Well, Precedence sure can make you move on with your life. But then again, anything that makes your life so far apart, you may come to a conclusion that time heals all wounds. You may want to give him a call and see if you can make things move forward. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. On the other hand, I also believe some things may be better left out. It's up to you.

As for the people who decided to put all this behind you, it's time to move on and wrap it all your life. Indonesia's legal system can be a solution to your situation if you are a resident in Indonesia, if your wedding is listed in Indonesia, or if your spouse is a citizen of Indonesia. Access to the legal system is not easy sometimes, but it's not a personal attack on you. The information in this post might be helpful for those who want to continue their lives. Feel free to forward it to keep everyone in the loop. Thank you for helping me spread the access to the legal system in Indonesia.

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