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Toko Bunga 24 Jam
Showing posts with label divorce law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divorce law. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Divorce Advice from Divorce Lawyer in Jakarta, Indonesia

In Indonesia, every divorce lawyer will have to refer to the 1974 Marriage Law and its implementing rules for divorce and  marital dissolution. A divorce petition must be filed at the local district court for Non-Moslems, and local Religious Court for Moslems. There are certain marital dissolution reasons according to 1974 Marriage Law and Islamic Law, they are:

Marriage Law
Pursuant to Marriage Law, a marriage may be terminated due to several reasons as follows :

  1. Death of either party
  2. Divorce
  3. Upon court’s decision
The death to either party will automatically terminate the marriage.

Divorce and Marriage Dissolution in Indonesia

Everyone wishes to have a long-lasting marriage. But when things are not working, you should know what to do to end the marriage legally. In Indonesia, divorce and marital dissolution have been governed by the 1974 Marriage Act and its implementation rules.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How to Divorce in Indonesia?

Every married couple definitely wish to have a long-lasting marriage, however, if things are not working, a husband or a wife could decide to end the marriage with a divorce. Divorce in Indonesia can sometimes pretty easy if both husband and wife agrees to divorce, but it can also turn out to be a lengthy and stressful legal proceeding if one of the party (husband or wife) refuses to have the divorce.

In Indonesia, every divorce can only be executed by a court decision. An agreement to divorce between the husband and wife will not be constituted as a divorce, only a court decision may constitute a divorce.