Toko Bunga 24 Jam
Toko Bunga 24 Jam

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Indonesian Immigration Guide to KITAP (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Tetap)

Guide to KITAP (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Tetap/Permanent Stay Permit) in Indonesia
A status conversion of an Indonesian Immigration Permit is the changing of status of a Limited Stay Permit into a Permanent Stay Permit.

Coversion Provisions
Indonesia's Limited Stay Permits may be converted into Permanent Stay Permits with the exception of a Special Immigration Facility Limited Stay Permit.

KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) - Card of permanent residence permit, which is issued after the immigration of ITAP.

Thus, KITAP - this residence. Is valid for 5 years, may be extended by 5 times. The maximum validity of Kitap - 25 years.

Qualify for KITAP may face:
  • Lived in Indonesia for 5 years pension visa Kitase.
  • Lived more than 4 years of marriage to a citizen of Indonesia.
  • Legitimate children with a foreign passport, if one parent is Indonesian.
  • Persons married to a foreign national who has Kitap
  • Legitimate children with a foreign passport, less than 18 years old, not married, the mother or father (foreigners) have Kitap
  • Individuals who have worked for 5 years in a large company with foreign capital
  • Large investors
  • Foreign experts working in the field of rare knowledge
  • A foreign representative of the church with religious duties in Indonesia
The general scheme of obtaining and renewal of residence permit KITAP similar to a visa KITAS.
The rest of the work on the preparation of papers we will do for you.

Owners Identification card KITAP get families registered by the Government of Indonesia. This card contains information about the family estate, and close relatives, and gives the right to join a legacy.

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