Toko Bunga 24 Jam
Toko Bunga 24 Jam

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Marriage Registration in Indonesia

Indonesian marriage law states that a marriage is legitimate if it is performed according to the regulations of the religious beliefs of the husband and wife. Because religious law applies, requirements vary.

Offices in Indonesia authorised to perform marriages are:
  • Kantor Urusan Agama or local mosque for Muslims.
  • Kantor Catatan Sipil - Civil Registry and a church or temple for a Christian, Hindu or Buddhist marriage.
Both foreigner and Indonesian must meet the following requirements and produce the following documents:

1. If female, be 16 years or older if male, be 19 years or older.
2. Valid passport (for a foreigner).
3. Valid entry visa into Indonesia (for a foreigner) and a valid National Identification Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk/KTP) for an Indonesian.
4. Foreigner's birth certificate - original is preferred, otherwise a notarised photocopy  the applicable Consulate may need to provide written verification.
5. Legal proof confirming the marital status of each person :
  •  For the foreign national, a Letter of No Impediment to Marriage.
  •  For an Indonesian, marital status is declared on the National Identification Card (KTP).
6.For Indonesian women aged 16 to 21 and Indonesian men aged 18 to 21 - letters from both sets of parents or guardians stating there is no objection to the marriage.
7. If the couple are both Christians, members of a church, and wish to be married in an Indonesian church, they need a letter of notification from their church.
8. If one or both of the couple need to convert to Islam to be married according to Islamic Law, the marriage must be registered with the Religious Affairs Office (Kantor Urusan Agama) in their local area.
9. If it is to be a Christian, Hindu or Buddhist marriage, the marriage must be reported and registered with the local Civil Registry (Kantor Catatan Sipil). Registration includes a preliminary Notice of Intention to Marry, ten days before the marriage is to take place, this period can be waived for tourists coming to Indonesia to marry.
10. The marriage usually takes place in a church or temple first. After the ceremony, every non-Islamic marriage must be recorded at the Civil Registry (Kantor Catatan Sipil) within 14 days after the marriage or the marriage is not legal.
11. Two witnesses over the age of 18 must be present during the marriage ceremony. Photocopies of their National Identification Card (KTP) or foreign passport must be filed. Employees who work at the Civil Registration Office (Kantor Catatan Sipil) may act as witnesses.

Letter of No Impediment to Marriage
Indonesian authorities require an official letter issued by a foreigner's home consulate which states that the foreigner has never been married, is divorced, or is a widow or widower.

Proving that a marriage has never taken place can be difficult and regulations depend on the foreigner's country of origin. Foreigners should consult their consulates.

Notice of Intention to Marry
When presenting a letter of Notice of Intention to Marry at the Civil Registry (Kantor Catatan Sipil), both partners must have the following original documents:
  • The Indonesian spouse's National Identification Card (KTP) and the foreign spouse's passport 
  • Certified birth certificates
  • Certified final divorce decree or death certificates as regards termination of previous marriages (where applicable)
  • Four 4 x 6cm photos, both partners side by side
  • For the foreign spouse: The Letter of No Impediment to Marriage issued by the foreigner's consulate
  • For Indonesian citizens: a Letter of Certification of No Previous Marriages (Surat Keterangan Belum Kawin) from the mayor or village chief (Kepala Desa or Lurah), and a letter of parental consent for Indonesian women aged 16-21, and Indonesian men aged 18-21
Marriage Certificates
For non-Muslim marriages, expect a ten-day waiting period before a marriage certificate is available.

Islamic Marriage Certificates (Marriage Book or Buku Nikar) as issued by an Office of Religious Affairs (Kantor Urusan Agama) might be available in less time, and are usually valid throughout Indonesia and do not require registration with any other agency if the couple plans on living in Indonesia.

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