Toko Bunga 24 Jam
Toko Bunga 24 Jam

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Prenuptial Agreement in Indonesia

The assets of both husband and wife are jointly owned after marriage and each partner is entitled to 50 percent of the estate. If a foreigner wishes to protect assets that predate the marriage, a prenuptial agreement (Surat Pernyataan Harta) is required. A prenuptial agreement must be made before getting married and it cannot be made retroactively. The agreement is legalised at the same time the marriage is registered with the local Civil Registration Office (Kantor Catatan Sipil) and the Office of Religious Affairs (Kantor Urusan Agama).


Indonesia has abundant natural resources and strategic location in the international water, a large number of populations, approximately 230 million people do have the potential and capability to support the investment climate. Indonesia has also made substantial progress in the field of democracy economic reforms and security over the last decade. Indonesia is welcoming foreign capital investors.

How to Divorce in Indonesia?

Every married couple definitely wish to have a long-lasting marriage, however, if things are not working, a husband or a wife could decide to end the marriage with a divorce. Divorce in Indonesia can sometimes pretty easy if both husband and wife agrees to divorce, but it can also turn out to be a lengthy and stressful legal proceeding if one of the party (husband or wife) refuses to have the divorce.

In Indonesia, every divorce can only be executed by a court decision. An agreement to divorce between the husband and wife will not be constituted as a divorce, only a court decision may constitute a divorce.

How to Termination of Employment Relationship in Indonesia

Employment matters in general, and the termination of employees in particular, can often be both complex and confusing. Indeed, for the unwary Employer, they can also have significant impact both in terms of time and cost. Accordingly, it is important for management personnel to have a certain amount of background knowledge on Indonesian employment issues prior to entering into (and certainly before terminating) any employment relationship.

How to Establishing a Representative Office in Indonesia

Establishing a representative office is the fastest way to get a legal presence in Indonesia and it is easier than setting up a limited liability company. But it comes with more limitations.

Note that in the Indonesian context representative office is not the same as a branch office. So if you are looking to establish a local entity that is free to earn revenue, import products etc. then you need to set up a foreign direct investment (PT PMA) company.

In this article we explore the benefits of representative office and in which cases you should prefer it over limited liability company.

How to Dissolve Company in Indonesia

In Indonesia, a liquidation of an Indonesian company by virtue of Article 142, paragraph 1 of the Indonesian Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company (“Company Law”), could performed by the following reasons :

1. Based on a resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS”).
2. Due to the expiry of the company, as prescribed in the articles of association.
3. A court order.
4. Revoked bankruptcy statement based on binding court judgment, and the asset of the company is not sufficient to pay the bankruptcy cost or.
5. Due to the revocation of the company’s business permit, so that the company is obliged to conduct liquidation according to prevailing regulations.

Marriage Registration in Indonesia

Indonesian marriage law states that a marriage is legitimate if it is performed according to the regulations of the religious beliefs of the husband and wife. Because religious law applies, requirements vary.