Toko Bunga 24 Jam
Toko Bunga 24 Jam

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Joint Venture How to in Indonesia

A joint venture (JV) is a business agreement in which the parties agree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity and new assets by contributing equity. They exercise control over the enterprise and consequently share revenues, expenses and assets. There are other types of companies such as JV limited by guarantee, joint ventures limited by guarantee with partners holding shares.

Indonesian Immigration Guide to KITAP (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Tetap)

Guide to KITAP (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Tetap/Permanent Stay Permit) in Indonesia
A status conversion of an Indonesian Immigration Permit is the changing of status of a Limited Stay Permit into a Permanent Stay Permit.

Coversion Provisions
Indonesia's Limited Stay Permits may be converted into Permanent Stay Permits with the exception of a Special Immigration Facility Limited Stay Permit.

Visas for Foreign Husbands of Indonesian Women

There are many married couples in Indonesia where either the wife or husband is foreigner and the spouse is Indonesian. Indonesian government regulations do not treat these two circumstances in the same manner. Almost all the regulations that apply to foreign wives of Indonesian men are very different that those that apply to foreign husbands of Indonesian women, few similarities can be found between the two circumstances.

Incorporation of Foreign Company Investment (PMA Company) in Indonesia

Business activities in Indonesian may be carried-out in the form of a sole proprietorship, a general or limited partnership or one of a various number of corporations. However foriegn capital investment (so called "PMA Company") in Indonesia may only conducted in form of a limited liability company, being established and existed under the Indonesian laws and havin its legal domicile within the Indonesian territory.

Divorce and Marriage Dissolution in Indonesia

Everyone wishes to have a long-lasting marriage. But when things are not working, you should know what to do to end the marriage legally. In Indonesia, divorce and marital dissolution have been governed by the 1974 Marriage Act and its implementation rules.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Divorce Between Foreigners in Indonesia Regulation

You and your spouse are foreigners. Both of you have been living in Indonesia for several years due to work commitments. Either your spouse works in Indonesia or being your dependent, both of you are residents of Indonesia. After all you have been through, you find the romance is no longer exists and you are seeking divorce as the ultimate solution.

Indonesia Step Child Adoption Procedures

Adopting your Indonesian stepchild is a special adoption proceeding because it takes place within a marriage between an adopting parent and a biological parent. Adopting your spouse’s child can make your family feel connected. When a step-parent adopts his spouse’s child, he becomes responsible for the child both legally and financially in addition to forming an emotional bond.

This type of adoption is pretty special in Indonesia. Not only because it is happening within a marriage, but this is also because of the shared custody of the child between the adopting parent and the spouse as the custody holder. It should not remove your spouse’s custody right and put it on you as the adopting parent. It’s more like making your spouse share the child custody with you as if the child was born within your marriage. Both of you will share parental authority in virtue of a court decree.